Completed Puzzles Puzzle PZ1 Results

knowing that the crystal structure shows a homodimer that contains two strands of the sequence. The strands hybridize with blunt ends (C-G closing base pairs).
RNA sequence (5' to 3')
Experimental structure(s)

S.M. Dibrov, J. McLean and T. Hermann (2011). Structure of an RNA dimer of a regulatory element from human thymidylate synthase mRNA, Acta Cryst. D, Biological Crystallography 67: 97-104.

Opening date:
19 Oct 2020, 23:24
Closing date (Human category):
19 Oct 2020, 23:24

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# Group (User) Model(s) Category Clashscore
INF all
INF nwc
INF stacking
INF wc
1 Das Group (Das ) 3 Human 0.000 3.657 0.934 - 0.924 0.953 13.070 0.000 3.413
2 Das Group (Das ) 4 Human 0.000 4.307 0.907 - 0.908 0.906 13.140 0.000 3.907
3 Das Group (Das ) 1 Human 0.000 4.305 0.918 - 0.911 0.953 12.340 0.000 3.953
4 Major Group (Major ) 1 Human 51.560 4.949 0.873 - 0.847 0.949 32.640 0.000 4.319
5 Chen Group (Chen ) 1 Human 0.000 5.279 0.821 - 0.796 0.872 15.480 0.000 4.336
6 Das Group (Das ) 2 Human 1.360 5.082 0.876 - 0.866 0.900 12.860 0.000 4.452
7 Das Group (Das ) 5 Human 0.000 5.362 0.851 - 0.838 0.878 14.630 0.000 4.563
8 Bujnicki Group (Bujnicki ) 4 Human 69.780 6.880 0.719 - 0.750 0.651 13.460 0.000 4.944
9 Bujnicki Group (Bujnicki ) 5 Human 67.070 6.542 0.781 - 0.796 0.777 11.190 0.000 5.111
10 Bujnicki Group (Bujnicki ) 3 Human 47.300 6.522 0.810 - 0.765 0.900 11.690 0.000 5.282
11 Bujnicki Group (Bujnicki ) 1 Human 0.000 6.457 0.883 - 0.838 0.976 13.730 0.000 5.699
12 Santalucia Group (Santalucia ) 1 Human 25.000 7.126 0.807 - 0.729 0.950 14.860 0.000 5.749
13 Bujnicki Group (Bujnicki ) 2 Human 60.090 7.963 0.770 - 0.739 0.850 14.350 0.000 6.131
14 Dokholyan Group (Dokholyan ) 1 Human 24.980 8.844 0.811 - 0.788 0.858 16.670 0.000 7.176
Metric Webserver category Human category
Median Mean Median Mean
Clashscore - - 13.170 24.796
DI - - 5.909 5.948
INF all - - 0.836 0.840
INF nwc - - 0.000 0.000
INF stacking - - 0.817 0.821
INF wc - - 0.900 0.884
MCQ - - 13.595 15.008
P-Value - - 0.000 0.000
RMSD - - 4.754 4.931

Result visualization for different evaluation measures

Violin plot for Clashscore
Violin plot for DI
Violin plot for INF all
Violin plot for INF nwc
Violin plot for INF stacking
Violin plot for INF wc
Violin plot for MCQ
Violin plot for P-Value
Violin plot for RMSD