Completed Puzzles Puzzle PZ2 Results

The crystal structure shows a 100 nt square that assembles from four inner and four outer strands. The secondary structure shown was used for the design of the square. Actual base pairing in the crystal may deviate. 3D coordinates of the nucleotides in the inner strands (B,D,F,H) were provided. What are the structures of the outer strands (A,C,E,G)?
RNA sequence (5' to 3')
Experimental structure(s)

S.M. Dibrov, J. McLean, J. Parsons and T. Hermann (2011). Self-assembling RNA square. PNAS 108: 6405-6408.

Opening date:
19 Oct 2020, 23:24
Closing date (Human category):
19 Oct 2020, 23:24

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# Group (User) Model(s) Category Clashscore
INF all
INF nwc
INF stacking
INF wc
1 Bujnicki Group (Bujnicki ) 2 Human 12.380 2.805 0.820 0.000 0.794 0.919 23.750 0.000 2.300
2 Bujnicki Group (Bujnicki ) 3 Human 0.310 2.854 0.816 0.000 0.783 0.919 23.690 0.000 2.329
3 Das Group (Das ) 1 Human 14.230 2.861 0.872 0.000 0.863 0.961 13.560 0.000 2.496
4 Dokholyan Group (Dokholyan ) 1 Human 12.100 3.074 0.827 0.000 0.806 0.904 12.610 0.000 2.543
5 Bujnicki Group (Bujnicki ) 1 Human 10.520 2.968 0.894 - 0.873 0.961 17.130 0.000 2.653
6 Chen Group (Chen ) 1 Human 16.790 3.722 0.760 - 0.699 0.904 24.180 0.000 2.830
7 Das Group (Das ) 4 Human 16.710 3.415 0.830 0.000 0.797 0.973 14.410 0.000 2.834
8 Major Group (Major ) 1 Human 125.890 3.785 0.787 - 0.717 0.946 25.380 0.000 2.980
9 Das Group (Das ) 3 Human 17.330 3.656 0.830 0.000 0.803 0.973 13.350 0.000 3.034
10 Das Group (Das ) 2 Human 16.710 3.672 0.830 0.000 0.819 0.973 13.630 0.000 3.048
11 Das Group (Das ) 5 Human 17.950 4.166 0.832 0.000 0.813 0.959 13.040 0.000 3.464
12 Wildauer Group (Wildauer ) 1 Human 153.530 4.403 0.790 0.000 0.772 0.889 24.750 0.000 3.479
13 Santalucia Group (Santalucia ) 1 Human 18.910 4.515 0.809 - 0.759 0.922 18.710 0.000 3.650
Metric Webserver category Human category
Median Mean Median Mean
Clashscore - - 16.710 33.335
DI - - 3.656 3.530
INF all - - 0.827 0.823
INF nwc - - 0.000 0.000
INF stacking - - 0.797 0.792
INF wc - - 0.946 0.939
MCQ - - 17.130 18.322
P-Value - - 0.000 0.000
RMSD - - 2.834 2.895

Result visualization for different evaluation measures

Violin plot for Clashscore
Violin plot for DI
Violin plot for INF all
Violin plot for INF nwc
Violin plot for INF stacking
Violin plot for INF wc
Violin plot for MCQ
Violin plot for P-Value
Violin plot for RMSD