Completed Puzzles Puzzle PZ3 Results

The crystallized sequence was slightly different (an apical loop was replaced by a GAAA loop) but it was not mentioned to protect the crystallographers.
RNA sequence (5' to 3')
Experimental structure(s)

L. Huang, A. Serganov and D.J. Patel (2010). Structural Insights into Ligand Recognition by a Sensing Domain of the Cooperative Glycine Riboswitch. Mol. Cell. 40: 774-786.

Opening date:
19 Oct 2020, 23:24
Closing date (Human category):
19 Oct 2020, 23:24

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# Group (User) Model(s) Category Clashscore
INF all
INF nwc
INF stacking
INF wc
1 Chen Group (Chen ) 1 Human 0.000 9.819 0.737 0.000 0.731 0.857 23.790 0.000 7.241
2 Dokholyan Group (Dokholyan ) 2 Human 32.380 15.892 0.721 0.000 0.707 0.857 21.370 0.039 11.460
3 Das Group (Das ) 5 Human 1.100 16.394 0.730 0.408 0.706 0.898 18.710 0.069 11.965
4 Bujnicki Group (Bujnicki ) 1 Human 9.200 17.382 0.701 0.000 0.697 0.834 24.060 0.087 12.186
5 Das Group (Das ) 2 Human 0.740 16.428 0.743 0.463 0.720 0.881 20.690 0.088 12.199
6 Major Group (Major ) 2 Human 76.950 23.118 0.593 0.000 0.605 0.681 40.090 0.303 13.701
7 Bujnicki Group (Bujnicki ) 2 Human 3.310 22.219 0.633 0.000 0.602 0.834 21.300 0.375 14.057
8 Das Group (Das ) 1 Human 0.000 21.211 0.730 0.500 0.701 0.864 20.560 0.681 15.481
9 Dokholyan Group (Dokholyan ) 1 Human 32.010 23.287 0.684 0.000 0.657 0.917 21.690 0.763 15.920
10 Das Group (Das ) 3 Human 1.110 23.124 0.733 0.463 0.706 0.881 20.360 0.901 16.954
11 Das Group (Das ) 4 Human 1.840 25.907 0.706 0.401 0.682 0.864 21.640 0.979 18.298
12 Major Group (Major ) 1 Human 60.040 44.277 0.519 0.000 0.592 0.421 40.400 1.000 22.987
Metric Webserver category Human category
Median Mean Median Mean
Clashscore - - 2.575 18.223
DI - - 21.715 21.588
INF all - - 0.714 0.686
INF nwc - - 0.000 0.186
INF stacking - - 0.699 0.676
INF wc - - 0.861 0.816
MCQ - - 21.505 24.555
P-Value - - 0.339 0.440
RMSD - - 13.879 14.371

Result visualization for different evaluation measures

Violin plot for Clashscore
Violin plot for DI
Violin plot for INF all
Violin plot for INF nwc
Violin plot for INF stacking
Violin plot for INF wc
Violin plot for MCQ
Violin plot for P-Value
Violin plot for RMSD